The Flower of the European Orchid – Form and function, now for € 39.50 !
Our book “The flower of the European orchid – Form and function” treats all aspects of the orchid, with a special emphasis on the orchid flower and the relationship between flower and pollinator Professor Richard Bateman: “…a benchmark volume” Henrik Æ. Pedersen: “…a new standard for photographic illustration of orchid books” Horst Kretzschmar: “…this book shows a perfect, continuous extremely high quality”

The Flower of the European Orchid: Form and Function” provides an elaborate overview of all aspects of the orchid flower. From each genus the following aspects are illustrated: habitat, flower close-ups, macrophotographs of the column, rosette and capsules, flower diagrams, SEM-photographs of pollinia, pollinaria or pollen grains, microscopic sections of the flower and pollinators. Precise descriptions of the morphology of the flower and the adaptations to the pollinator give an unprecedented overview of all aspects of flowers and pollinators In the introductory chapter the terminology is explained and illustrated with many macro-photographs. Included are various tables about all known pollinators, fruit set, bending speed of the caudicles, an overview of all autogamous species with autogamy mode and seed number per capsule. An extensive bibliography provides a survey of all old and recent literature.

We are Jean Claessens and Jacques Kleynen and studied European orchids for many years

Our main interests are the details of the flower structure of the orchids and their relation to the pollinators. We studied flower morphology for many years and included the visiting insects to our observations. We presented our results at various orchid conferences. A list of published articles can be found under the tab “Publications”
All observations and photos resulted in 2011 in the publication of our book “The flower of the European orchid – Form and function”: 440 pages, more than 800 colour photographs of plant, flower, column, rosette, fruit set and pollinators, 106 images of microscopic sections and 125 SEM photographs; ISBN: 9789090255569

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